I have always been an artist and creative thinker. After getting such good feedback on my art when I posted Face Book page I decided to get a bit more professional and set up a BLOG to exhibit and discuss my art. Hope you enjoy it and I look forward to comments.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lifting Drawings

The following watercolor paintings were produced using a lifting method. First the background was painted on with a blending technique, layering the colors. During this stage I have to be careful not to use totally staining colors. The next step is done with clear water, a stiff bristle brush and a blotting tool (paper towels). I then draw with the wet brush on the background and lift the background color off to produce the drawing. It is a different way for me to work but I am going to be exploring it further. I also have some more traditional paintings in which I have used this technique.

Curly Willows

Another Time Another Place

Curl Up With A Book